Present issues of early intervention
The authors underline the importance of Brofenbrenner’ theory of Human Development (1979, 1998) for the theory and practice of Early Intervention (EI). Based on the work of Bailey and Wolery (2002), concerning the recommendations for a federal special education agenda, in particular in EI, provision of special education and related services for infants, toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities and their families, the above mentioned authors in the second part of this papper made a comparison with EI programmes and provision for Portugal (Bairrão & Almeida, 2002). The authors conclude assuming that there exists a great gap between the two countries in what concerns EI. They also stress the need of good organization, planning, staffing and financing of EI programmes in Portugal in order to give to Portuguese children with special education need and their families the urgent education and care they really need.