Working alliance in career construction counseling: Counselors and clients’ factors


  • Maria do Céu Taveira Psychology School, University of Minho
  • Paulo Cardoso Psychology Department, University of Évora
  • Soraia Pereira Universidade do Minho
  • Filipa Silva Psychology School, University of Minho



Working alliance, Career counseling, Counselor factors, Client factors


The working alliance is a common predictor of the effectiveness of psychological intervention and involves collaborative work between psychologist and client. In this study, we examine the extent to which psychologists' professional experience, and clients’ economic income and (in)decision, predict the initial working alliance and whether these factors and the initial alliance predict the final alliance. Participants were forty-nine clients of career-construction counseling, aged 17 to 52, and seven female psychologists. A sociodemographic questionnaire, the Career Indecisiveness Scale and the Therapeutic Alliance Inventory were used. Results of multiple linear regression analyses indicate the psychologists' professional experience and clients' economic income as predictors of initial alliance. Psychologists' professional experience, clients' final indecision, and initial alliance predict final alliance. The results of this study are discussed, as well as implications for research and practice.


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How to Cite

Taveira, M. do C. ., Cardoso, P., Pereira, S., & Silva , F. . (2022). Working alliance in career construction counseling: Counselors and clients’ factors. PSICOLOGIA, 36(1), 61–70.



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