Protean Career Orientation Scale: A validation study with Portuguese university students


  • Joana Soares Escola de Psicologia, Universidade do Minho
  • Maria do Céu Taveira School of Psychology, University of Minho
  • Ana Daniela Silva School of Psychology, University of Minho



Protean orientation, Psychometric properties, University students, Assessment


The protean career orientation refers to career agentic and values-driven attitudes in today’s changing contexts. This orientation shows readiness for facing lifespan tasks and challenges in diverse work roles, contributing, for example, to university students’ academic engagement and employability. Given the importance of this construct, there is a need for valid and reliable measures of protean career orientation. Our study aimed to analyze the internal and criterion-related validity and reliability of a Portuguese language version of the Protean Career Orientation Scale. Participants were 407 Portuguese university students who responded to measures of protean career orientation, academic engagement, and career self-management strategies. Factorial analyses, Pearson correlations, and reliability indicators were computed. Adequate psychometric properties were found after one item deletion. Findings provide evidence for the scale’s usage among groups of university students, whether for research or practical purposes. Nevertheless, more studies are needed.


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Como Citar

Soares, J., Taveira, M. do C., & Silva, A. D. (2024). Protean Career Orientation Scale: A validation study with Portuguese university students. PSICOLOGIA, 38(1), 23–33.




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