An analysis of the Scientific progress of Social Cognition in the light of the perspective of "new Experimentalism"


  • Leonel Garcia-Marques Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Teresa Garcia-Marques ISPA- Instituto Universitario



New Experimentalism, Social Cognition


Social Cognition is a conceptual and empirical approach that attempts to explain psychosocial phenomena through the structures and cognitive processes underlying it. This approach, with its genesis in the 1980s, has contributed to the understanding of the human mind taking it as eminently social. In this article, we discuss its contribution to scientific progress in the conception of the "new experimentalism" epistemological approach. New experimentalism characterizes scientific progress as the result of the accumulation of "good experimental paradigms". We offer a number of examples of what should be considered as "good paradigms" in social cognition, focusing on the paradigms of Illusory Correlations in the perception of human groups; the Mere-Exposure paradigm, the Suppressing Thoughts paradigm; and the Mood as Moderator of cognitive processing paradigm.


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How to Cite

Garcia-Marques, L., & Garcia-Marques, T. (2021). An analysis of the Scientific progress of Social Cognition in the light of the perspective of "new Experimentalism". PSICOLOGIA, 35(1), 49–60.



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