“In My Time…”: A Generational Difference in the Relation between Gender Roles and Well-Being


  • Rita Camilo Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa
  • Maria Minas Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9901-073X




Gender roles, well-being, Intergenerational, Generation transmission


This article analyzes the beliefs and behaviors regarding gender roles of eight Portuguese youngsters and seven seniors. Our aim is to understand how individuals from different generations and sexes perceive gender roles and well-being, and how they manifest themselves. After semi-structured individual interviews, we used thematic analysis method, applying N-Vivo 12 software. Findings emphasize that, despite an expressed gender equality ideal, women tend to feel overloaded at home in trying to balance work and family tasks. Men seem to have greater domestic and labor power than women. Women express greater well-being when domestic duties are shared and when they perceive they are receiving support. Men simultaneously associate the experiences of sharing domestic duties and contributing less with well-being. Hardships of work-family balance were identified by diverse participants, from different sexes and ages, as a sign of lack of well-being.


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Como Citar

Camilo, R., & Minas, M. (2023). “In My Time…”: A Generational Difference in the Relation between Gender Roles and Well-Being. PSICOLOGIA, 37(1), 39–52. https://doi.org/10.17575/psicologia.1771


