A relação precoce mãe-filho
The author studied the effect of early mother-new-born extra-contact on the behavior of both mother and child during the first month of life. The experimental group (N=30) had a contact of half an hour and the newborn infant was dressed. The control group (N=30) followed the routine treatment of the maternity ward. Both groups had a continuous rooming-in from the 6th hour of life onwards. This study focused mainly the assessment of the newborn infant’s behavior and the BNBAS (Behavior Neonatal Brazelton Assessment Scale) was used for this purpose on the 1st, 3rd and 28th days of life. On the 3rd and 28th days the behavior of the diad was observed in a feeding situation. In newborn infants, differences were found in relation to interaction processes. In mothers the most important differences were observed on the 28th day and concerned affectionate behavior. (...)