O casal na cultura de hoje: implicações psicopatológicas
The author confronts first the hypotheses of the biologic couple cersus the hypotheses of the couple with a cultural basis. This bipolarity does not seem easy to by pass. From a psychological point of view the couple represents a defense mechanism both of an analectic and narcissistic nature. In our timer three revolutionary events have modified the structure of couples: 1) the end of the patriarchal family replaced by the nuclear family, of a less stable nature; 2) the equality of the sexes; 3) an efficient contraception rendering motherhood and fatherhood more responsible. The attempt of defining a normal couple is probably an error. More important is discussing the couple’s psychopathology. A separation should be established between the «diseases in the couple», resulting from pre-existing anomalies, and the «diseases of the couple» appearing «ex-novo». In the last group the following varieties can be pointed out: a) disturbances in communication; b) sexual malfunctions; c) disturbances in the administration of aggressiveness. The therapeutic interventions concerning the «diseases of the couple» should be oriented towards the three areas described, and should have in mind the renewal of the couple.