Tranference phenomena issues in coaching & teaching
The author considers that the teacher, coach, trainer and sport consultant will invariably confront transference issues. The concern is not that transference feelings will germinate as a consequence of idiosyncratic human needs. What is at issue is the counsellor’s ability to recognize the nature and source of emotional needs being expressed. In the role of director of training for graduated clinical trainees this has been proven to be a most challenging training responsibility. The potential for violation of professional standards and the abuse of client trust is a primary concern. Ethical standards as defined by APA have become a required course in most training institutions. Presently those providing services as sport consultants come from such a variety of backgrounds it is not possible to assume that all coaches and sport counsellor be encouraged to deepen their understanding of transference phenomenon. Receiving such training under supervision would protect clients. Also, they could be trained to use transference as a means for promoting growth and independence.