The factorial structure of the Portuguese version of the Job diagnostic survey
The purpose of this study is to analyse the factorial structure of the Job Diagnostic Survey, designed to assess the Model of Work Characteristics (Hackman & Oldham, 1975, 1980), using five dimensions of job characteristics: variety, identity, significance, autonomy and feedback. We used a heterogeneous sample of 552 workers from a variety of occupational groups. Nine alternative models about the structure of the instrument have been evaluated, using confirmatory factor analysis (Amos software, version 6.0). The results showed that Hackman and Oldham’s five factor structure, to which a Method factor including the negative items has been added, is the model that presents a better fit for the data. Items associated with these dimensions define six sub-scales with reasonable levels of reliability, which renders them suitable to psychometrically evaluate specific dimensions of work defined by Hackman and Oldham’s model.