Studies on student engagement in adolescence: A scoping review
Student engagement, systematic literature review, school adjustment, adolescent developmentAbstract
Research over recent decades has confirmed the critical role of student engagement in adolescent learning, achievement, and development. However, studies quantity and diffusion make further up-to-date systematization necessary. This study aims to contribute to this effort by focusing on multidimensional student engagement research, published in the last decade, focusing on adolescence. Following a previous protocol, a scoping review was conducted using eight scientific literature databases. From an initial set of 849 studies, 135 were selected. Results showed the increase of research in quantity and geographical breadth, the strive for consistency, the relevance of the threefold approach (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive), the value of student engagement for adolescents’ health and school adjustment, and the key role played by teacher-student relations, school environment, and individual strengths. In addition, suggestions highlighted methodological improvements, the study of new variables, and, regarding promotion, the balance between wide school approaches and attention to students’ specific needs.
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