Decent work, positivity, and the satisfaction with life of Portuguese lawyers: An empirical study


  • Tânia Ferraro Universidade Portucalense
  • Ecaterina Mudric Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa



Decent Work, positivity, satisfaction with life, well-being, health


The present study aimed to investigate the associations between Decent Work (DW) and the Positivity and Life Satisfaction of Portuguese lawyers (N = 84). The Decent Work Questionnaire, the Positivity Scale and the Satisfaction With Life Scale were applied. The multiple regression linear analysis showed that: Fulfilling and productive work was an important antecedent of the Positivity, and that Fulfilling and productive work, Meaningful remuneration for the exercise of citizenship and Opportunities were antecedents of Satisfaction With Life. Then, the analysis of canonical correlations showed that six DW dimensions (exception for Social protection) were significant and positively related to Positivity and Satisfaction With Life. The perception of Decent Work is relevant to promoting Positivity and Satisfaction With Life for Portuguese lawyers. Limitations, practical implications, and future development prospects are presented in the final section.


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Author Biography

Ecaterina Mudric, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa


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How to Cite

Ferraro, T., & Mudric, E. (2023). Decent work, positivity, and the satisfaction with life of Portuguese lawyers: An empirical study. PSICOLOGIA, 37(1), 64–80.



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