Examining the distinction between self-enhancement and self-protection in young adults: The roles of basic need satisfaction and psychological adjustment


  • Asiye Yildirim




self-enhancement, self-protection, basic psychological needs, global and contingent self-esteem, intolerance of uncertainty


The current study explores the distinction between self-enhancement and self-protection as regards basic need satisfaction (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) and psychological adjustment (i.e., global and contingent types of self-esteem and intolerance of uncertainty) in young adults. 531 undergraduates (365 females and 166 males) completed questionnaires assessing self-enhancement and self-protection, basic need satisfaction, global self-esteem, contingent self-esteem, and intolerance of uncertainty tendencies. Correlation, partial correlation, and hierarchical regression analyses were used. The results revealed that self-enhancement and self-protection were differently associated with basic need satisfaction and the other indicators of psychological adjustment. Accordingly, self-enhancement was positively predicted by need satisfaction and global self-esteem. However, self-protection was negatively predicted by these variables but positively predicted by the contingent type of self-esteem and intolerance of uncertainty. The results suggest that self-enhancement and self-protection are distinct motives. Self-enhancement is linked to psychological adjustment; whereas, self-protection is related to psychological maladjustment.


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How to Cite

Yildirim, A. (2021). Examining the distinction between self-enhancement and self-protection in young adults: The roles of basic need satisfaction and psychological adjustment. PSICOLOGIA, 35(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.17575/psicologia.v35i2.1718



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