About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The journal PSICOLOGIA publishes original research in the general scope of psychology and behavioral sciences. PSICOLOGIA welcomes empirical research contributions and systematic reviews within specific scientific areas of Psychology.
Peer Review Process
The manuscripts submitted for publication in the Journal PSICOLOGIA are subjected to a process of peer review. The identity of authors of the articles is maintained anonymous throughout the reviewing process.
All articles submitted for publication are subjected to a pre-screening by the Editorial Board which might result in a desk-rejection of the manuscript.
Publication Frequency
The journal PSICOLOGIA is exclusively published in electronic format. One volume per year is published, consisting of two issues.
Journal History
The journal PSICOLOGIA started its regular publication in 1980 as the bi-annual journal of the Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia.
From volume XII onwards, the issues of the journal PSICOLOGIA are indexed in: Psychological Abstacts / PsycARTICLES / PsycINFO, SCIElo/Thomson-Reuters.
The journal PSICOLOGIA publishes original research in the general scope of psychology and behavioral sciences. PSICOLOGIA welcomes empirical research contributions and literature revisions within specific scientific areas of Psychology.
Ethics and publication malpractice statement
The journal PSICOLOGIA follows a publication ethical code based on the standards for Edition good practice issued by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics; http://publicationethics.org)
Publication ethical norms and Editorial good-practices statement
1. Editorial decision
The editor of the journal PSICOLOGIA is responsible for deciding which articles previously submitted to the journal are published. The editor can be guided by the journal’s editorial policies and the advise of the Editorial board. The editor may also reject publications that infringe copyright or present plagiarism. The editor may find support for his/her decision of rejecting or accepting articles previously submitted to the journal PSICOLOGIA in other Editors or Reviewers’ decisions.
2. Fair play
The Editor will always evaluate articles submitted to the journal PSICOLOGIA according to their intellectual or scientific content, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship, nationality or political positioning of the authors.
3. Confidentiality
The Editor and all the members of the Editorial Board will not disclose any information regarding articles submitted to the journal PSICOLOGIA, except necessary exchanges of information with the authors of the article, reviewers, potential reviewers, other members of the editorial staff or the publishers.
4. Conflicts of interest
The materials included in an article submitted to the journal PSICOLOGIA cannot be used in research conducted by the Editor or by any other member of the Editorial Board, except when explicitly authorized by the authors of the article.
Duties of Reviewers
1. Contribution to the editorial decision
Peer review helps the Editor of the journal PSICOLOGIA to make an editorial decision regarding accepting or rejecting an article, as well as in the communication process between the Editor and the authors aiming at improving the paper.
2. Accepting the reviewing process
Any Reviewer that does not feel qualified to review the research reported in an article or that cannot guarantee that the revision process is finished in due time, should report this fact immediately to the Editor of the journal PSICOLOGIA.
3. Confidentiality
The reviewer should treat any article received for reviewing as confidential information. It should not be shown or discussed with anybody, except if explicitly authorized by the Editor of the journal PSICOLOGIA.
4. Objectivity
The reviewing process of an article should be carried out in an objective way. Personal critics to the authors are strictly inappropriate. Reviewers should express their own opinion about the article in a clear way, adding argumentation that supports his/her critics.
5. Acknowledgment of sources
Reviewers should always identify previously published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any remarks and argumentation that has been previously published should be accompanied by the respective citation. A Reviewer should also call the Editor’s attention for any resemblance or overlap between an article under review and any other article already published.
6. Conflict of interests
Privileged information or any other ideas obtained during the Peer Review process should be maintained as strictly confidential and not used for personal benefit. Reviewers should not accept reviewing articles with which they possess conflicts or interest that might result from collaboration, personal relationships, or conflicts with authors, organizations, and institutions connected with the manuscript.
Duties of authors
1. Research reporting
Authors should report in their article original research in a clear and precise way. Their research conducted and a discussion of its interest for the research area under analysis should be presented. Data collected should be accurately represented in the article. The paper should contained detailed information so that other researchers might replicate the research conducted. Incorrect or fraudulent information included in an article is a form of non-ethical behavior and is unacceptable.
2. Data access and restrictions
Authors should be prepared to allow the Editorial Board to review raw data used in the article submitted for publication in the journal PSICOLOGIA, or to give public access to them. In any situation, authors should guarantee the necessary conditions to retain data for a reasonable time after publication of their paper.
3. Originality and plagiarism
The authors should guarantee that they have written a totally original manuscript. If they use work or words from other authors, this should be clearly cited and quoted.
4. Multiple, concurrent or redundant publication
The authors should not submit the same manuscript, describing essentially the same research, to different publication outlets. Submitting the same article to several journals in a concurrent way is considered non-ethical behavior and is unacceptable.
5. Acknowledgment of sources
The recognition of the work of other authors should be clearly stated in any article submitted to the journal PSICOLOGIA. Authors should always cite publications that have been relevant in producing the work that is being reported in the paper submitted for publication.
6. Authorship of the paper
Authorship of the articles should be limited to the authors that made a substantive contribution in the Conception, design, execution and interpretation of the reported research. The corresponding author of an article should ensure that all co-authors are included in the article and that inappropriate authors have been excluded. He/she should also ensure that all co-authors approved the final version of the article to be submitted and acknowledge its publication.
7. Conflicts of interest
Authors should disclose in the article any conflicts of interest of financial nature or of any other nature that they feel that have interfered in the results or interpretation of data reported. All financial sources of the research presented in the article should be clearly reported.
8. Significant errors in published work
When an author finds a significant error in his/her published work, it is his/her obligation to immediately notify the Editor of the journal PSICOLOGIA and collaborate with him/her in order to remove or correct the paper.