Are fathers’ rearing histories associated with their involvement in childrearing? A Peruvian study


  • Magaly Nóblega Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Marisut Guimet Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Andrea Ugarte Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Francesco Marinelli Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Gabriela Apolinario Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Daniel Uchuya Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru
  • Carolina Santos Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), CIS-IUL, Portugal



Father involvement, Rearing history, Sociodemographic


This study compares father involvement, relative to the mother, in Peruvian families with preschool age children. We also examined father’s rearing history and sociodemographic characteristics as predictors of involvement in child related activities. Two hundred and six families participated in the study. Results showed that mothers were more involved in direct and indirect care, and fathers tended to be more involved in play. Teaching/discipline and outdoor leisure activities were shared. The models tested for paternal involvement in direct, indirect care, and outdoor leisure were significant. Father´s rearing history was a main predictor of direct care and outdoor leisure. Fathers’ perceptions of their own mothers’ care were negatively associated with their involvement in direct care; and their perceptions of their own fathers’ overprotection/control were negatively associated with fathers’ involvement in outdoor leisure. Results are discussed based on stereotypical gender-based role division in childrearing, and the modeling and compensatory hypotheses.



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Como Citar

Nóblega, M., Guimet, M., Ugarte, A. ., Marinelli, F. ., Apolinario, G., Uchuya, D., & Santos, C. (2022). Are fathers’ rearing histories associated with their involvement in childrearing? A Peruvian study. PSICOLOGIA, 36(2), 15–25.



Número temático - Fathering in diverse sociocultural contexts