Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of Portuguese population


  • Ângela Leite Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Portuguese Catholic University, Rua de Camões 60, 4710-362 Braga, Portugal
  • Teresa Souto Lusophone University of Oporto, Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport (ULP), Rua Augusto Rosa 24, 4000-098 Porto, Portugal
  • Hélder Fernando Pedrosa e Sousa Department of Mathematics (DM. UTAD), University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
  • Andreia de Moura Lusophone University of Oporto, Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport (ULP), Rua Augusto Rosa 24, 4000-098 Porto, Portugal
  • Maria Alzira Pimenta Dinis UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa (UFP), Praça 9 de Abril 349, 4249-004 Porto, Portugal
  • Lígia Cunha Lusophone University of Oporto, Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport (ULP), Rua Augusto Rosa 24, 4000-098 Porto, Portugal
  • Vítor Lira Lusophone University of Oporto, Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport (ULP), Rua Augusto Rosa 24, 4000-098 Porto, Portugal
  • Diogo Guedes Vidal UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit (FP-ENAS), University Fernando Pessoa (UFP)



Facebook addiction, Social networking addiction, Internet addiction, Adaptation, Validation


The aim of this study is to adapt a Portuguese version of the original 18 items of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS), via a translation / back translation process, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in a Portuguese sample. The sample comprised 232 respondents from the general population. The modified BFAS acquires a different factor structure from the original, keeping 4 of the main theoretical elements (subscales) and 10 of the 18 original items. The results indicate that the Portuguese version of the original BFAS presents good psychometric qualities. The statistical techniques used in the study allowed assessing the reliability and validity of the modified BFAS. Nevertheless, further uses of this scale with other samples from the Portuguese population are necessary to confirm the obtained results.


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Como Citar

Leite, Ângela, Souto, T., Sousa, H. F. P. e, Moura, A. de, Dinis, M. A. P., Cunha, L., Lira, V., & Vidal, D. G. (2022). Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of Portuguese population. PSICOLOGIA, 36(2), 74–87.




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