Caregivers’ profiles based on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and gendered attitudes in a low-income Colombian sample




Childcare, Theory of planned behavior, Caregiver profiling, Care practices


Caring for children is fundamental for their development. It can, however be hindered by the psychological, economic, and contextual conditions of caregivers. This study assessed caregivers’ profiles in a sample of low-income Colombians (n = 495) based on attitudes toward childcare, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, self-efficacy in childcare, and sexist attitudes. Three profiles were identified: the first profile included caregivers with intermediate scores in attitudes towards childcare and self-efficacy, low sexist attitudes and low subjective norms; the second comprised caregivers with lower attitudes towards childcare, self-efficacy, and behavioral intention, with moderate scores in subjective norms and sexist attitudes; the third profile consisted of participants with the most positive attitudes toward childcare, and with the most sexist attitudes towards caregiving. This study shows caregiver profiles in terms of childcare self-perception, dimensions of the theory of planned behavior, and sexist attitudes toward childcare in a population underrepresented in the literature.


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Como Citar

Amar, J., Orozco, L., Romero, D., Aragón, J., & Palacio, J. (2024). Caregivers’ profiles based on the Theory of Planned Behavior dimensions and gendered attitudes in a low-income Colombian sample. PSICOLOGIA, 38(1), 34–43.


