PSICOLOGIA <h3>Sobre PSICOLOGIA</h3> <p><em><strong>A revista PSICOLOGIA</strong></em> iniciou a sua publicação em 1980 como revista bi-anual da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. Do volume XII em diante, os números da revista PSICOLOGIA encontram-se indexados em: Psychological Abstacts / PsycARTICLES / PsycINFO, SciELO / Thomson-Reuters, Scopus/Elsevier.<br><strong>ISSN formato impresso: 0874-2049 | ISSN formato electrónico: 2183-2471 </strong></p> pt-PT (Marília Prada) (Margarida Carmona e Lima) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 08:24:38 -0800 OJS 60 The relationship between optimism, pessimism and sleep difficulties in university students: The role of cognitive emotion regulation and psychological distress <p>We found that the factors involved in the genesis/maintenance of sleep difficulties needed to be much better known. Our aims were to explore the role of cognitive emotion regulation (CER) and psychological distress (PD) as mediators in the relationship between pessimism/optimism and sleep difficulties. Our methods were to ask 253 university students to complete the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21, the Optimism-Pessimism-2 Scale, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), and answer three questions about sleep difficulties. Our results showed that optimism, adaptive/positive CER strategies, positive reappraisal and refocusing on planning (CERQ1) correlated inversely with sleep difficulties, whereas pessimism, PD, and non-adaptive/negative CER strategies correlated positively with them. Pessimism was a vulnerability factor for sleep difficulties, with its indirect effect mediated by negative CER and/or increased PD. Optimism had a protective effect against sleep difficulties through CERQ1 and/or the reduction of PD. Our conclusion was that fostering adaptive CER strategies, reducing non-adaptive strategies, and addressing pessimism may have clinical implications for promoting psychological well-being and improving sleep quality.</p> Boaventura R. C. R. O. Afonso, Maria João Soares, António Macedo Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 PSICOLOGIA Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Representações sociais de suicídio: um estudo com comentários de usuários do Twitter <p>Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o campo compartilhado, os princípios organizadores das tomadas de posição e a ancoragem psicossocial das representações sociais de suicídio entre usuários do <em>Twitter</em>. Foram coletados 3302 comentários de usuários do <em>Twitter</em> em 103 reportagens sobre suicídio publicadas pelo jornal <em>Folha de São Paulo</em> no <em>Twitter</em>. Em seguida, foram identificados 425 perfis dos usuários autores dos comentários e coletados dados referentes a suas orientações políticas. Os resultados, sistematizados por meio da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente e pela Análise Fatorial de Correspondência, viabilizadas pelo software Iramuteq, indicaram a presença de três princípios organizadores dos significados vinculados ao objeto suicídio: a ciência, a religião e a política. A discussão focalizou a dualidade ciência versus religião na organização do campo representacional de suicídio e as pertenças políticas dos usuários do <em>Twitter</em> como pontos de ancoragem psicossocial privilegiados.</p> Lorena Schettino Lucas, Mariana Bonomo, Joaquim Pires Valentim Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 PSICOLOGIA Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0800 APOLO-BARI: Eficácia de um programa de intervenção em grupo a longo-prazo após a cirurgia bariátrica <p>Após a cirurgia bariátrica, alguns sujeitos podem experimentar a recuperação do peso a longo-prazo, devido a padrões alimentares problemáticos e ao reduzido número de consultas médicas na pós-cirurgia. Portanto, aponta-se a necessidade de um acompanhamento continuado nesse período. Surge então o APOLO-Bari, uma intervenção desenvolvida com o intuito de acompanhar e monitorizar os resultados pós-cirúrgicos. Tornou-se objetivo testar a sua eficácia, testar de que forma o TFEQ-21 se relaciona entre si e com as restantes variáveis e verificar se a adesão é um fator diferenciador dos resultados obtidos. O estudo inclui dois grupos: o de controlo (<em>n</em> = 113), que recebeu o tratamento usual pós-cirúrgico e o de intervenção (<em>n</em> = 38) que recebeu o tratamento usual e o APOLO-Bari. Verificaram-se reduções dos níveis de ansiedade, depressão, stress e de petisco contínuo no grupo de intervenção, contrariamente ao grupo de controlo. A adesão não impactou os resultados obtidos no final do programa.</p> Ana Martins, Marta de Lourdes , Catarina Gomes, Inês Ribeiro, Eva Conceição Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 PSICOLOGIA Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Online training of psychologists for a career intervention with unemployed adults: A pilot study during the COVID-19 pandemic <p>In Portugal, career counsellors require significant training, especially in the career development field. Online training emerged as a solution during the pandemic, but the evidence of its effects is still uncertain. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effects of an online training course focused on a career psychological intervention model for unemployed adults. Eight female psychologists (<em>M</em>age = 30.75; <em>SD</em> = 4.9) from different regions of the country participated in the training. The study used a Diagnostic Evaluation Questionnaire, Evaluation Worksheets, and a Qualitative Evaluation Questionnaire to assess the effects of the training. Results showed an increase in the trainees' knowledge and performance after the course and trainees reported their satisfaction with the training. However, they expressed the need for more practical examples. The study suggests that specialized, empirically validated training in career intervention may have important implications in increasing the quality of career interventions with unemployed individuals.</p> Pedro Diogo Gaspar, Catarina Luzia Carvalho, Célia Sampaio, Maria do Céu Taveira, Ana Daniela Silva Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 PSICOLOGIA Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0800 Validity evidence of the Spanish Burnout Inventory in Mozambican teachers <p>This study evaluated the validity evidence of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) in two stages. The first stage verified the content validity, while the second stage verified the internal validity of the structure. A total of 263 Mozambican teachers participated in the study. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the Robust Weighted Least Squares estimation method. The model presented: <em>χ</em>2 = 337.313 (<em>p</em> &lt; .01); gl = 164; CFI = .95; TLI = .94 and RMSEA = 0.06 (C.I. = 0.05 - 0.07). The SBI presented four factors — the same number as the original model — and good psychometric properties. The McDonald's alpha omega for the enthusiasm for work dimension was .64; for the psychological exhaustion dimension it was .79; for the indolence dimension it was .80 and for guilt it was .71. It is concluded that the SBI-PE-Mozambique version is a valid and reliable instrument for assessing Burnout Syndrome in teachers in the country.</p> Gildo Aliante, Mary Sandra Carlotto, Mussa Abacar, Sheila Gonçalves Camâra, Coutinho Maurício José Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 PSICOLOGIA Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 -0800